Neem Leaf Extract (50mL)


Neem Leaf Extract is made from Australian Neem Trees grown in North Queensland where the leaves are gently harvested and used to make extracts and powders. The tinctures are made in TGA approved premises and 1mL contains equivalent 200mL of plant.


Neem Leaf Tinctures can be used for many skin complaints and is suitable for sensitive skin (always do patch tests first: 1 part Neem to 20 parts water and build up to using it straight if desired).
It protects the skin and makes even the driest skin supple and smooth.

Suggested uses for Leaf Extract:
Try it for DERMATITIS, ALLERGIES, CHICKEN POX, SKIN RASHES and INFLAMMATION. When used on cuts and abrasions it can take away the redness and can assist in skin repair and minimise scarring. It will assist in keeping away bacteria and insects from the wound.

Try it as a SPRAY to keep away those biting insects as well. Head Lice don’t like it much either.
Can be used as SPRAY for PLANTS (ratio 1-20) with a wetting agent (even detergent will do) and sprayed onto plants. Use against aphids and a myriad of other small pests in your garden.
Neem is non toxic and safe to use near and around children and your pets.

Remember, Neem is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. It has been used for centuries in India where the Neem Tree is called ‘The Wonder Tree’.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 g


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